ICCGE 2024 Keynote And Invited Speakers

Keynote Speakers

Prof. Bikash Pal

 Imperial College London (ICL), UK

IEEE Fellow

Bikash Pal is a Professor of Power Systems at Imperial College London (ICL). He is research active in power system stability, control, and estimation. Currently he is leading a six university UK-China research consortium on Resilient Operation of Sustainable Energy Systems (ROSES) as part of EPSRC-NSFC Programme on Sustainable Energy Supply. He led UK-China research consortium project on Power network stability with grid scale storage (2014-2017): He also led an eight- university UK-India research consortium project (2013-2017) on smart grid stability and control. His research is conducted in strategic partnership with ABB, SIEMENS, GE Grid Solutions, UK, and National Grid, UK. UK Power Networks. SIEMENS R&D collaborated with him to develop fast power flow and volt-var control tools in Spectrum Power, an advanced module for distribution management system solution from SIEMENS. This is now commissioned in distribution control centres in Columbia, Bosnia Norway and Azerbaijan serving 15 million customers in these countries. GE commissioned sequel of projects with him to analyse and solve wind farm HVDC grid interaction problems (2013-2019). Prof Pal was the chief technical consultant for a panel of experts appointed by the UNFCCC CDM (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Clean Development Mechanism). He has offered trainings in Chile, Qatar, UAE, Malaysia and India in power system protections, stability and control topics. He has developed and validated a prize winning 68-bus power system model, which now forms a part of IEEE Benchmark Systems as a standard for researchers to validate their innovations in stability analysis and control design. He was the Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy (2012-2017) and Editor-in-Chief of IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution (2005-2012). He was Vice President, PES Publications (2019-2023). He is a Fellow of The Royal Academy of Engineering, UK. In 2016, his research team won the President’s outstanding research team award at Imperial College London (ICL). He is Fellow of IEEE for his contribution to power system stability and control. He is an IEEE Distinguished Lecturer in Power distribution system estimation and control. He has published about 125 papers in IEEE Transactions and authored four books in power system modelling, dynamics, estimations and control. He was Otto Monsted Professor at Denmark Technical University (DTU) (2019) and Mercator Professor sponsored by German Research Foundation (DFG) at University of Duisburg-Essen in 2011.


Prof. Gianfranco Chicco

 Politecnico di Torino, Italy

IEEE Fellow
Chair of the IEEE Italy Section

Gianfranco Chicco holds a Ph.D. in Electrotechnics Engineering and is a Full Professor of Electrical Energy Systems at Politecnico di Torino, Italy. He received the title of Doctor Honoris Causa from the Universities Politehnica of Bucharest and “Gheorghe Asachi” of Iasi (Romania) in 2017 and 2018, respectively. He is a Fellow of the IEEE and the Chair of the IEEE Italy Section. He is listed in the “Top 2% Scientists” ranking prepared by Stanford University. He is the Scientific Responsible of the research group on Power and Energy Systems at POLITO, and the Responsible of the Torino unit of the Italian Consortium ENSIEL. He is the Editor-in-Chief of Sustainable Energy Grids and Networks. He is a past Subject Editor of Energy and a past Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, and IEEE Open Access Journal of Power and Energy. He was the Conference Chair of WESC 2006, IEEE PES ISGT Europe 2017, UPEC 2020, and IEEE Eurocon 2023, and is the General Chair of SEST 2024. His research topics include Data Analytics Applied to Smart Grids, Power System Analysis, Distribution System Analysis, Electrical Load Management, Energy Efficiency, Multi-Energy System Operation, and Power Quality.


Prof. Di Yun

Xi'an Jiaotong University, China

Outstanding scholar in the ‘Youth Talent Plan’
Director of ‘Key R&D Project Issues’ for the Ministry of Science and Technology

Dr. Di Yun is a professor in the Department of Nuclear Science and Technology of Xi'an Jiaotong University. He is an outstanding scholar in the ‘Youth Talent Plan’ and served as the director of ‘Key R&D Project Issues’ for the Ministry of Science and Technology. Professor Yun received his PhD in Nuclear Engineering from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2010. He worked at Argonne National Laboratory as a nuclear engineer in the Nuclear Engineering Division from 2010 to 2015. He joined Xi'an Jiaotong University in 2015.

Professor Yun focuses on developing advanced nuclear fuel materials. On the theoretical front, he explored a novel approach, multi-atom nucleation, to describe gas bubble nucleation process in metallic nuclear fuel materials; he also investigated in fundamental aspects of nuclear fuel performance modeling and applied multi-scale simulation methods to address fuel performance issues. On the experimental front, he is developing nitride coatings for advanced nuclear fuel systems for light water reactors and has received technological awards in this area; he is currently pushing for development of such materials into real engineering application scenarios.


Invited Speaker

Prof.  Tsair-Wang Chung

  Chung Yuan Christian University

Chair Professor Tsair-Wang CHUNG received his Ph.D. degrees in Chemical Engineering from University of Missouri-Columbia (USA) in 1993. He was appointed as a research Scientist in Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), Taiwan in 1993 and appointed as a faculty member of Chemical Engineering in Chung Yuan Christian University (CYCU) in 1995. Currently, he is a principal investigator with the production and application of biomaterials, biomass energy, separation and purification technologies. He has authored or co-author more than 240 research papers in refereed journals and conference proceedings. His current research interests include sustainable biomass energy and mechanical devices for the separation process, and bioresources industry technology. Dr. Chung served as the Vice President, Dean of College of Engineering, Dean of Industry-Academia Cooperation, Dean of Research and Development in Chung Yuan Christian University. He received the World’s Top 2% Scientists in Chemical Engineering from Stanford University (USA) and the First Grade Reward of the Talent Scholar from National Science and Technology Council (Taiwan). He was also invited as keynote speaker and invited speaker in several international conferences recently.



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